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About this site

This site was about list. But now you can publish articles, links and everything you want.

At first there was lists

Well you know... We really like list. And this is the best way for us to share list of things with other people.

So you can create a list.

Be careful : everybody can see your stuff.

You can publish texts

You can publish every content you want. Please don't publish content you don't own.

Why can I add text and links to the list ?

Why not ?

I want to delete a page / content what can I do ?

Too bad, we can't do anything right now. Its like a blockchain of stuff, except it is not.

If there is a problem with copyrighted content you published, we can delete it.

Why this name ?

We love the brutalist architecture.

We are heavily influenced by the new brutalist website movement and the simplicity of running a simple website. A simple website we hope can be usefull...


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